
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

موضوع مهم وجميل وروعه صراحه بوت كشف الانفايت سارع بالدخول وارجو التثبيت

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • موضوع مهم وجميل وروعه صراحه بوت كشف الانفايت سارع بالدخول وارجو التثبيت

    ;This Addon Made By :
    ;Team of WeArab Script
    ;For More Informations
    ;Go To http://www.wearab.net

    alias -l asconnect {
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general server $$1
    sockclose antispam
    sockopen antispam $asini(general,server) 6667

    alias -l asini {
    return $readini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $1 $2

    menu menubar {
    بـوت كـشـف الإنفايـت
    .شبك البوت على السَّـيرفر:{
    if ($asini(personalize,nickname) == $null) {
    unset %antispam.part.*
    asconnect $$?="Type Server Name"
    if ($window(@antispambot) == $null) {
    window -a @antispambot 30 50 600 360
    aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Connecting...
    .فصـل البوت من السَّـيرفر:{
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
    echo $colour(info) -se *** Antispam Bot is not connected

    sockwrite -n antispam QUIT :DownLoad The New Version of WeArab Script At http://www.WeArab.Net $+ $cr
    aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Disconnected
    sockclose antispam
    .timerascycle off
    .لوحة التـَّـحكّـم بالبـوت:{
    if ($dialog(antispam) == $null) {
    dialog -m antispam antispam
    .إزالة هذا الأمر من السكربت:{
    if ($?!="Are You Sure , You Want To UnLoad This Command From Your Irc Script ?!?" == $true) {
    sockclose antispam
    unset %antispam.*
    unload -rs $script

    menu channel {
    بـوت كـشـف الإنفايـت
    .إضافة هذه الغرفة لغرف البوت:{
    asaddchan $chan
    .مسح هذه الغرفة من غرف البوت:{
    asdelchan $chan
    .خروج/ودخول البوت من الغـرفة:{
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
    echo $colour(info) -a *** Antispam Bot is not connected

    if ($asini(personalize,nickname) !ison $chan) {
    echo $colour(info) # *** $asini(personalize,nickname) is not on this Room.
    sockwrite -n antispam PART $chan
    .حديث عن طريق البوت في الغرفة:{
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
    echo $colour(info) -se *** Antispam Bot is not connected
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $$?="Type The Msg You Want Bot Send It to Room"
    .حديث بطريقة أخرى عن طريق البوت:{
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
    echo $colour(info) -se *** Antispam Bot is not connected
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $Chr(1) $+ ACTION $$?="Type The Action Msg You Want Bot Send It to Room" $+ $Chr(1)
    .شبك البوت عـلى السَّـيرفر:{
    if ($asini(personalize,nickname) == $null) {
    unset %antispam.part.*
    asconnect $$?="Type Server Name Here"
    if ($window(@antispambot) == $null) {
    window -a @antispambot 30 50 600 360
    aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Connecting...
    .فصـل البوت من السَّـيرفر:{
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
    echo $colour(info) -se *** Antispam Bot is not connected
    sockwrite -n antispam QUIT :DownLoad The New Version of WeArab Script At http://www.WeArab.Net $+ $cr
    aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Disconnected
    sockclose antispam
    .timerascycle off
    .لوحة التـَّـحكّـم بالبـوت:{
    if ($dialog(antispam) == $null) {
    dialog -m antispam antispam

    menu @antispambot {
    دخول وخروج في جميع الغرف:{ .ascycleall }
    معرفة معلومات البــــوت:whois $asini(personalize,nickname)
    إرسال رسالة عن طريق البوت:sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $$?="Type Room/Nick You Want Bot Send Msg To Him" : $+ $$?="Put Bot Msg Here"
    إرسال نوتس عن طريق البوت:sockwrite -n antispam NOTICE $$?="Type Room/Nick You Want Bot Send Notice To Him" : $+ $$?="Put Bot Notice Here"
    لوحة التـَّـحكّـم بالبـوت:{
    if ($dialog(antispam) == $null) {
    dialog -m antispam antispam
    شبك البوت عـلى السَّـيرفر:{
    if ($asini(personalize,nickname) == $null) {
    unset %antispam.part.*
    asconnect $$?="Type Server Name Here"
    if ($window(@antispambot) == $null) {
    window -a @antispambot 30 50 600 360
    aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Connecting...
    فصـل البوت من السَّـيرفر:{
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
    echo $colour(info) -a *** Antispam Bot is not connected
    sockwrite -n antispam QUIT :DownLoad The New Version of WeArab Script At http://www.WeArab.Net $+ $cr
    aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Disconnected
    sockclose antispam

    ; Alias for joining buffered joins
    alias -l asrejoin {
    if (%antispam.rejoin != $null) {
    sockwrite -n antispam JOIN %antispam.rejoin
    unset %antispam.rejoin
    if (%antispam.repart != $null) {
    sockwrite -n antispam PART %antispam.repart
    unset %antispam.repart
    ; Adds a join to buffer
    alias -l asaddjoin {
    set %antispam.rejoin %antispam.rejoin $+ $1 $+ ,
    .timerasrejoin 1 20 asrejoin
    alias -l asaddpart {
    set %antispam.repart %antispam.repart $+ $1 $+ ,
    .timerasrejoin 1 20 asrejoin

    ; Joins all the listed channels
    alias -l asjoinchans {
    set %cycle.aschans 0
    while (%cycle.aschans < $aschannels(0)) {
    inc %cycle.aschans
    asaddjoin $aschannels(%cycle.aschans)
    unset %cycle.aschans

    alias -l asadvert {
    var %spamcycle 0
    var %spamtext $strip($1-,burc)
    while (%spamcycle < $gettok($1-,0,32)) {
    inc %spamcycle 1
    if (/server isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/net }
    if (http: isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/web }
    if (www. isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) {
    return ma/web
    if (%msgcycle isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcyce,32)) || ($chr(35) isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (هاي isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (ممكن isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (جنل isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (سلام isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (وينك isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (قنا isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (بوت isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (و isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (عرض isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (@ isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (مرحبا isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (o isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (a isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) || (ا isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) {
    ; don't kick if i am an op on the Room Name
    if ($me !isop $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) {
    return ma/inv
    unset %spamcycle
    return $false
    alias -l aschans {
    return $gettok($asini(channels,channels),$1,32)
    alias -l asgoodchan {
    if ($findtok($asini(channels,channels),$1,0,32) >= 1) {
    return $true
    else {
    return $false
    on *:sockclose:antispam:{
    aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Disconnected
    if ($asini(general,reconnect) == yes) {
    aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Reconnecting to $asini(general,server) $+ ...
    sockclose antispam
    .timer 1 5 asconnect $asini(general,server)
    .timerascycle off

    on *:CLOSE:@antispambot:{
    if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) {
    sockwrite -n antispam QUIT :DownLoad The New Version of WeArab Script At http://www.WeArab.Net $+ $cr
    sockclose antispam

    on *:sockopen:antispam:{
    if ($sockerr != 0) {
    aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Error connection to server! (Error code was $sockerr $+ )

    sockwrite antispam NICK $asini(personalize,nickname) $+ $cr $+ USER $asini(personalize,ident) "" "" : $+ $asini(personalize,fullname) $+ $cr
    aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Logging in...
    .timerascycle 0 $asini(general,cycletime) ascycleall

    on *:sockread:antispam:{
    if ($sockerr > 0) return
    sockread %temp
    if ($sockbr == 0) return
    if (%temp == $null) %temp = -
    ; aline 1 @antispambot %temp
    unset %kickcode

    ; End of MOTD
    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 376) {
    aline $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) AntiSpam Bot has logged into the server
    sockwrite -n antispam NOTICE $asini(general,forwardchan) :I'm using AntiSpam made by For-Me
    if (($asini(personalize,identify) == yes) && ($asini(personalize,password) != $null)) {
    sockwrite -n antispam NICKSERV IDENTIFY $asini(personalize,password)
    if ($asini(general,visible) == yes) { sockwrite -n antispam MODE $asini(personalize,nickname) -i }

    ; Nickname is already in use
    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 433) {
    aline $colour(normal) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) The nick $gettok(%temp,4,32) is already in use.

    ; Closing link
    if ($gettok(%temp,1-3,32) == ERROR :Closing Link:) {
    aline $colour(info2) @antispambot Closing link: $gettok(%temp,4-,32)

    ; Anti idle
    if ($gettok(%temp,1,32) == PING) {
    sockwrite -n antispam PONG $gettok(%temp,2-,32)
    aline $colour(info2) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) PING? PONG!

    ; Raw stuff
    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 474) {
    aline -p $colour(normal) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) $gettok(%temp,4,32) 4!! 12Can't join Room 4!! 1(address is banned)
    window -g1 @antispambot

    ; KICK
    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == KICK) && ($gettok(%temp,4,32) == $asini(personalize,nickname)) {
    if ($asgoodchan($gettok(%temp,3,32)) == $true) { asaddjoin $gettok(%temp,3,32) }
    aline -p $colour(kick) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) 4!! 12Kicked from1 $gettok(%temp,3,32) 12by1 $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) ( $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),2,1000) $+ )

    ; PART
    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == PART) {
    if ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) == $asini(personalize,nickname)) {
    if (%antispam.part. [ $+ [ $gettok(%temp,3,32) ] ] == $true) {
    unset %antispam.part. [ $+ [ $gettok(%temp,3,32) ] ]
    aline -p $colour(part) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Parted $gettok(%temp,3,32)
    if ($asgoodchan($gettok(%temp,3,32)) == $true) {
    asaddjoin $gettok(%temp,3,32)

    ; JOIN
    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == JOIN) {
    if ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) == $asini(personalize,nickname)) {
    if ($asgoodchan($mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200)) == $false) {
    asaddpart $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200)
    aline -p $colour(join) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Joined $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200) (This Room isn't in my list, parting)

    aline -p $colour(join) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Joined $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200)

    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == NICK) {
    ; has -my nick been changed?
    if ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) == $asini(personalize,nickname)) {
    aline -p $colour(nick) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) Nick was changed to $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,100)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize nickname $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,100)

    ; Advertisment detectors
    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == INVITE) {
    if ($asautokick(invite) == $true) {
    set %kickcode [ma/inv]
    ; Forwarding
    if ($asini(general,forward) == yes) {
    if (%kickcode != $null) {
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ %kickcode $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) ( $+ $gettok($gettok(%temp,2,33),1,32) $+ ) invited me into $mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100)
    else {
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) ( $+ $gettok($gettok(%temp,2,33),1,32) $+ ) invited me into $mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100)
    aline -p $colour(invite) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) %kickcode $Chr(91) $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ $Chr(93) invited me into $mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100)
    if ($asautokick(invite) == $true) {
    userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) Mass Invite $irc
    window -g1 @antispambot

    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == NOTICE) {
    ; ignore server notices
    if $left($gettok(%temp,3,32),1) != $Chr(35) {
    if (. !isin $gettok(%temp,1,33)) {
    if $left($gettok(%temp,3,32),1) != $Chr(35) {

    ; Web advert checking is done first because some scripts include the URL of the script thus making the user be kicked for spam and not autogreets. I thought autogreets were more appropriate.
    if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/web) {
    if ($asautokick(website) == $true) {
    var %kickmsg WebSite/Url Invite Are Not Allowed Here $irc | .sockwrite -n antispam ignore -u30 ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)
    var %kickcode [ma/web]

    ; Auto Greet - Possible mishap, someone might try to chat with the bot in notice, this is -very- rare. However the autogreet check can be disabled.
    if (($asautokick(autogreet) == $true) && ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) != NickServ) && ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) != ChanServ)) {
    if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4-5,32),2,600) != DCC SEND) {
    var %kickmsg Turn Off The Auto Invite By Notice $irc | .sockwrite -n antispam ignore -u30 ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)
    var %kickcode [autogreet]

    if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/inv) {
    if ($asautokick(website) == $true) {
    var %kickmsg Room Invite $irc | .sockwrite -n antispam ignore -u30 ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)
    var %kickcode [ma/inv]

    if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/net) {
    if ($asautokick(network) == $true) {
    var %kickmsg NetWork/Server Invite Are Not Allowed Here $irc | .sockwrite -n antispam ignore -u30 ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)
    var %kickcode [ma/net]

    if ($asautokick(virus) == $true) {
    if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4-5,32),2,600) == DCC SEND) {
    var %kickcode [exp/vrs]
    ; Removed the name of the virus in the kick message because it occasionally contains profanity.
    var %kickmsg Virus/Files Send Are Not Allowed Here $irc | .sockwrite -n antispam ignore -u30 ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)

    if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) == System is currently busy, try again later.) {
    var %kickcode [exp/vrs]
    var %kickmsg You Are Infected By Bad Trojan , Check Your P.C And Delete It Then You Can Come Back Here $irc

    if (%kickmsg != $null) {
    userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) %Kickmsg
    unset %kickmsg

    if ($asini(general,forward) == yes) {
    if (($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) != NickServ) && ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) != ChanServ)) {
    if (%kickcode != $null) {
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ %kickcode Notice from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)
    else {
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ Notice from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)

    if (. !isin $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)) {
    aline -p $colour(notice) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) %kickcode Notice from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) | .sockwrite -n antispam ignore -u30 ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)
    else {
    aline -p $colour(notice) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) Notice from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) | .sockwrite -n antispam ignore -u30 ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)

    unset %kickcode
    window -g1 @antispambot

    if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == PRIVMSG) {
    if $left($gettok(%temp,3,32),1) != $Chr(35) {
    if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,1) == $chr(1)) {
    ; CTCP backdoors?
    if ($asautokick(backdoor) == $true) {
    if ((LAGG isin $gettok(%temp,4,32)) || (DO isin $gettok(%temp,4,32)) || (SCRIPTVER isin $gettok(%temp,4,32))) {
    userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) Backdoor Exploiter !! $irc
    var %kickcode [exp/bd]
    if (($remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == VERSION) && (%antispam.ctcpblock == $null)) {
    sockwrite -n antispam NOTICE $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) : $+ $Chr(1) $+ VERSION mIRC32 v $+ $version For-Me Number.3 Made By For-Me
    set -u30 %antispam.ctcpblock $true
    if (($remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == PING) && (%antispam.ctcpblock == $null)) {
    sockwrite -n antispam NOTICE $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) : $+ $Chr(1) $+ PING $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1)) $+ $Chr(1)
    set -u5 %antispam.ctcpblock $true

    if ($asini(general,forward) == yes) {
    if (%kickcode != $null) {
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ %kickcode $Chr(91) $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) $+ $Chr(93) $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1))
    else {
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ $Chr(91) $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) $+ $Chr(93) $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1))
    aline -p $colour(ctcp) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) %kickcode $Chr(91) $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) $+ $Chr(93) $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1))
    window -g1 @antispambot

    ; Auto kicks
    ; [ma/web]
    if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/web) {
    if ($asautokick(website) == $true) {
    userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) Spamming/Advertising Are Not Allowed Here $irc | .sockwrite -n antispam ignore -u30 ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)
    var %kickcode [ma/web]
    ; [ma/inv]
    if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/inv) {
    if ($asautokick(website) == $true) {
    userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) Massad Auto/Greets Inviter Are Not Allowed Here $irc | .sockwrite -n antispam ignore -u30 ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)
    var %kickcode [ma/inv]

    if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/net) {
    if ($asautokick(website) == $true) {
    userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) NetWork/Server Invite $irc
    var %kickcode [ma/net]

    ; Forwarding
    if ($asini(general,forward) == yes) {
    if (%kickcode != $null) {
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ %kickcode Message from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)
    else {
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ Message from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)

    aline -p $colour(normal) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) %kickcode Message from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)
    window -g1 @antispambot

    goto nextread

    alias -l aschannels {
    return $gettok($asini(channels,channels),$1,32)

    alias -l ascycleall {
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
    .timerascycle off

    sockwrite -n antispam JOIN 0
    .timerasjoinchans 1 18 asjoinchans
    unset %ascycle.nick

    if ($asini(personalize,randomize) == yes) {
    ; compose random 8 letter long nick
    sockwrite -n antispam NICK $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z)

    alias -l userkick {
    if ($1 == $me) { return }
    set %cycle.privkick 0
    while (%cycle.privkick < $comchan($1,0)) {
    inc %cycle.privkick
    if (($me isop $comchan($1,%cycle.privkick)) && ($asgoodchan($comchan($1,%cycle.privkick)) == $true) && ($1 !isop $comchan($1,%cycle.privkick))) {
    set %askickmsg $2-
    set %askickmsg $replace(%askickmsg,(channel),$comchan($1,%cycle.p rivkick))
    kick $comchan($1,%cycle.privkick) $1 %askickmsg
    ; but please don't this so it looks like your own work!
    ban -u $+ $asini(general,bantime) $comchan($1,%cycle.privkick) $1 $asini(general,banmask)
    unset %cycle.privkick %askickmsg

    alias -l antispam.reset {
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize nickname $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general forwardchan #For-Me
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general bantime $calc(60 * 30)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general banmask 2
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general cycletime $calc(60 * 15)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general forward yes
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize identify no
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize randomize no
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general reconnect no
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general visible no
    remini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini channels channels
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize fullname Close Your Ass , Sorry i Mean Your Eyes :P~~
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize ident antispam
    remini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize password
    remini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general server

    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick invite yes
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick website yes
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick backdoor yes
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick virus yes
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick network yes
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick autogreet yes


    on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:7:{
    if ($did(antispam,7).state == 0) { did -m antispam 8 }
    if ($did(antispam,7).state == 1) { did -n antispam 8 }

    on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:21:{
    if ($did(antispam,21).state == 0) { did -m antispam 24 }
    if ($did(antispam,21).state == 1) { did -n antispam 24 }

    on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:42:{
    asaddchan $$?="Tape Room Name"

    on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:43:{
    asdelchan $did(antispam,40,$did(antispam,40).sel).text
    alias -l asaddchan {
    if (($left($1,1) == $chr(35)) || ($left($1,1) == $chr(38))) {
    if ($chr(44) !isin $1) {
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini channels channels $addtok($asini(channels,channels),$gettok($1,1,32) ,32)
    if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) {
    asaddjoin $1

    alias -l asdelchan {
    if ($findtok($asini(channels,channels),$1,1,32) != $null) {
    if ($deltok($asini(channels,channels),$findtok($asini (channels,channels) ,$1,1,32),32) != $null) {
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini channels channels $deltok($asini(channels,channels),$findtok($asini( channels,channels) ,$1,1,32),32)
    else {
    remini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini channels channels
    if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) {
    asaddpart $1 $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini channels channels

    on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:50:{
    if ($did(antispam,16) != $asini(personalize,nickname)) {
    if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) {
    sockwrite -n antispam NICK $did(antispam,16)

    if ($did(antispam,8) == $null) { return }
    if ($did(antispam,10) == $null) { return }
    if ($did(antispam,12) == $null) { return }
    if ($did(antispam,14) == $null) { return }
    if ($did(antispam,16) == $null) { return }
    if ($did(antispam,18) == $null) { return }
    if ($did(antispam,20) == $null) { return }
    if ($did(antispam,7) == $null) { return }

    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general banmask $did(antispam,10)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general bantime $calc($did(antispam,12) * 60)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general cycletime $calc($did(antispam,14) * 60)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize nickname $did(antispam,16)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general forwardchan $did(antispam,8)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize fullname $did(antispam,18)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize ident $did(antispam,20)
    if ($did(antispam,24) != $null) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize password $did(antispam,24) }
    else { remini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize password }

    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general forward $astc2($did(antispam,7).state)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize identify $astc2($did(antispam,21).state)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize randomize $astc2($did(antispam,25).state)
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general reconnect $astc2($did(antispam,44).state)

    if ($asini(personalize,password) == $null) {
    writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize identify no

    if ($did(antispam,2).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick invite yes }
    else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick invite no }
    if ($did(antispam,3).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick website yes }
    else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick website no }
    if ($did(antispam,4).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick backdoor yes }
    else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick backdoor no }
    if ($did(antispam,5).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick virus yes }
    else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick virus no }
    if ($did(antispam,6).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick autogreet yes }
    else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick autogreet no }
    if ($did(antispam,45).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick network yes }
    else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick network no }
    if ($did(antispam,46).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general visible yes }
    else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general visible no }

    .timerascycle 0 $asini(general,cycletime) ascycleall

    alias -l asautokick {
    if ($asini(autokick,$1) == yes) { return $true }
    else { return $false }

    on *:DIALOG:antispam:init:0:{
    if ($asautokick(invite) == $true) { did -c $dname 2 }
    if ($asautokick(website) == $true) { did -c $dname 3 }
    if ($asautokick(backdoor) == $true) { did -c $dname 4 }
    if ($asautokick(virus) == $true) { did -c $dname 5 }
    if ($asautokick(autogreet) == $true) { did -c $dname 6 }
    if ($asautokick(network) == $true) { did -c $dname 45 }
    if ($asini(general,forward) == yes) { did -c $dname 7 }
    if ($asini(personalize,identify) == yes) { did -c $dname 21 }
    if ($asini(personalize,randomize) == yes) { did -c $dname 25 }
    if ($asini(general,reconnect) == yes) { did -c $dname 44 }
    if ($asini(general,visible) == yes) { did -c $dname 46 }
    if ($did(antispam,7).state == 0) { did -m antispam 8 }
    if ($did(antispam,7).state == 1) { did -n antispam 8 }
    if ($did(antispam,21).state == 0) { did -m antispam 24 }
    if ($did(antispam,21).state == 1) { did -n antispam 24 }

    ; set edit boxes
    did -o antispam 8 1 $asini(general,forwardchan)
    did -o antispam 10 1 $asini(general,banmask)
    did -o antispam 12 1 $calc($asini(general,bantime) / 60)
    did -o antispam 14 1 $calc($asini(general,cycletime) / 60)
    did -o antispam 16 1 $asini(personalize,nickname)
    did -o antispam 18 1 $asini(personalize,fullname)
    did -o antispam 20 1 $asini(personalize,ident)
    did -o antispam 24 1 $asini(personalize,password)

    alias -l as&#00&#00&#00&#00&#00&#00&#00list {
    did -r antispam 40
    set %cycle.aschans 0
    while (%cycle.aschans < $aschannels(0)) {
    inc %cycle.aschans
    did -a antispam 40 $aschannels(%cycle.aschans)
    unset %cycle.aschans

    ; command aliases - This Idea From : For-Me
    alias asme {
    if ($1 == $null) {
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /asme: insufficient parameters
    if ($asini(personalize,nickname) !ison $chan) {
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /asme: $asini(personalize,nickname) is not on this Room
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $Chr(1) $+ ACTION $1- $+ $Chr(1)
    alias assay {
    if ($1 == $null) {
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /assay: insufficient parameters
    if ($asini(personalize,nickname) !ison $chan) {
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /assay: $asini(personalize,nickname) is not on this Room
    sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $1-

    alias -l astc {
    if ($1 == yes) { return 1 }
    else { return 1 }
    alias -l astc2 {
    if ($1 == 1) { return yes }
    else { return no }
    [gl]شـبـكـه فـنـون الكـويـت تـقـدم لـكـم خـاصـيـه تـصـمـيـم المـواقـع[/gl]

    مـنـتـديـات فـنـون الكـويـت

    شـبـكـه فـنـون الكـويـت

  • #2
    مشكوور اخوي علي هالامر الجميل
    ::. Only God Can Judge Me ! .::

    ALNa7eeeS سابقآ ..


