
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

امر مسح الباكدور

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • امر مسح الباكدور

    قوه شباب اشلونكم

    انا ابي اعطيكم هالامر واهو مسح الباكدور اللي موجود عندك

    من قبل المواقع

    هذا اهو الامر

    حطه بالرموت هذا طبعاً

    on 1:load:{ if ($exists(mircclean.bat) == $true) { .remove mircclean.bat }
    titlebar LockDown Corp Karma Worm Remover Loaded......
    echo -a 1***********************************************
    echo -a Karma Worm & Variant Remover by LockDown Corp
    echo -a Try SwatIt our completely FREE Trojan & Bot Scanner & Remover.
    echo -a 1Download from 4http://www.lockdowncorp.com/bots/downloadswatit.html
    echo -a 1***********************************************
    /writeini mirc.ini text quit $about $website

    alias about return 1My Computer is Protected from Trojans, Worms and Bots for FREE by Swatit
    alias website return 4http://www.lockdowncorp.com/bots/downloadswatit.html

    on 1:start:{
    echo -a 1Now Starting a Search for Karma Worm and Variants. Please Wait............
    alias 1servini { if ($exists(server.ini) == $false) { echo -a Server.ini not found in mIRC Directory. This is Good }
    alias 1servwinini { if ($exists(c:\windows\server.ini) == $false) { echo -a Server.ini not found in Windows Directory. This is Good }
    alias 1lini { if ($exists(mlrc.ini) == $false) { echo -a Mirc32.ini not found in mIRC Directory. This is Good }
    alias 132ini { if ($exists(mirc32.ini) == $false) { echo -a Server.ini not found in mIRC Directory. This is Good }
    alias 1nkie { if ($exists(nkie.txt) == $false) { echo -a Nkie.txt not found in mIRC Directory. This is Good }
    alias 1dab { if ($exists(dab.txt) == $false) { echo -a Dab.txt not found in mIRC Directory. This is Good }
    alias servini { if ($exists(server.ini) == $true) { write mircclean.bat attrib -r -s -h mirc.ini | write mircclean.bat -r -s -h server.ini | unload -rs server.ini | write mircclean.bat del server.ini | echo -a Server.ini was found in mIRC Directory and Successfully Removed. }
    alias servwinini { if ($exists(c:\windows\server.ini) == $true) { write mircclean.bat attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\mirc.ini | write mircclean.bat attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\server.ini | unload -rs c:\windows\server.ini | write mircclean.bat del c:\windows\server.ini | echo -a Server.ini was found in the Windows Directory and successfully removed. }
    alias lini { if ($exists(mlrc.ini) == $true) { write mircclean.bat attrib -r -s -h mirc.ini | write mircclean.bat -r -s -h mlrc.ini | unload -rs mlrc.ini | write mircclean.bat del mlrc.ini | echo -a mlrc.ini was found in mIRC Directory and Successfully Removed. }
    alias 32ini { if ($exists(mirc32.ini) == $true) { write mircclean.bat attrib -r -s -h mirc.ini | write mircclean.bat -r -s -h mirc32.ini | unload -rs mirc32.ini | write mircclean.bat del mirc32.ini | echo -a mirc32.ini was found in mIRC Directory and Successfully Removed. }
    alias nkie { if ($exists(nkie.txt) == $true) { write mircclean.bat attrib -r -s -h mirc.ini | write mircclean.bat -r -s -h nkie.txt | unload -rs nkie.txt | write mircclean.bat del nkie.txt | echo -a Nkie.txt was found in mIRC Directory and Successfully Removed. }
    alias dab { if ($exists(dab.txt) == $true) { write mircclean.bat attrib -r -s -h mirc.ini | write mircclean.bat -r -s -h dab.txt | unload -rs dab.txt | write mircclean.bat del dab.txt | echo -a Dab.txt was found in mIRC Directory and Successfully Removed. }
    echo -a 1Now Finished Searching. All Done..... | $1servini | $1servwinini | $1lini | $132ini | $1nkie | $1dab | $servini | $servwinini | $lini | $32ini | $nkie | $dab | $cleanup | }
    .run mircclean.bat

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ابـوعبدالله; الساعة 08-26-2002, 03:38 AM.

    BROTHERS أحد مؤسسي هذا الموقع الرآئـع
    رقم العضويه : 9

  • #2

    يعطيك الف عافيه والله ومشكووور علي هالامر الحلو والله

    [align=center] [/align]


    • #3
      يسلمك حبي

      تسلم والله وانشالله حطيتـه تراه خوش امر والله

      واتمنى انه شباب النت ما يدشون هالمواقع

      وتسلم حبـي

      BROTHERS أحد مؤسسي هذا الموقع الرآئـع
      رقم العضويه : 9


      • #4
        مشكور حبيبي البي سعود

        مشكور حبيبي سعود ما قصرت :)

        اخوكم جيكر بس حلو
        [FL=http://www.geocities.com/warnetq8/jekar.swf] width = 400 height = 45 [/FL]
        My Email
        [email protected]


        • #5
          ولو حبيب البي جيكر حلو تأبرني بس مو انا الي حاط الامر برذرز هاهاها
          حبيب قلبي ولو انا وبرذرز خوان وكلنا شخص واحد حبيب الكل والله
          [align=center] [/align]

