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لتشغيل الويفات اوmp3

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  • لتشغيل الويفات اوmp3


    mp3play {
    inc %mp3playct 1
    set %mp3Path $findfile(%mp3dir , %filename ,1)
    if ( %mp3path != $null ) { run %mp3player " $+ %mp3path $+ " | %size = $lof( %mp3path ) | %cccn = %size / 14000 | %cccm = %cccn / 60 | set %mp3playing on | .timer7729 1 %cccn set %mp3playing off | unset %mp3path }
    ramplay {
    inc %ramplayct 1
    set %ramPath $findfile(%ramdir , %filename ,1)
    if ( %rampath != $null ) { run %ramplayer %rampath | unset %rampath }
    playasound {
    %chantoplay = $parm1
    %typeofsound = $parm2
    if %typeofsound == WAV { inc %wavplayct 1 | set %wavtoplay $dir="Pick your Wav" [ $wavdir $+ *.wav ] | sound %chantoplay %wavtoplay | /describe %chantoplay 7‹15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎5i‎s 7P5‎l‎a‎y‎i‎n‎g15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎ 7›7 $nopath(%wavtoplay) 7‹15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎5W7‎a5‎V15,15‎7, 7‎15,15‎7›7 $lof(%wavtoplay) bytes 15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎7›5 %BoB $+ $irc | unset %wavtoplay %chantoplay %typeofsound | goto end }
    if %typeofsound == MID { inc %midplayct 1 | set %midtoplay $dir="Pick your Midi" [ $mididir $+ *.mid ] | sound %chantoplay %midtoplay | /describe %chantoplay 7‹15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎5i‎s 7P5‎l‎a‎y‎i‎n‎g15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎ 7›7 $nopath(%midtoplay) 7‹15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎5M7‎i5‎D‎7i15, 15‎7,7‎15,15‎7›7 $lof(%midtoplay) bytes 15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎7› %BoB $+ $irc | unset %midtoplay %chantoplay %typeofsound | goto end }
    if %typeofsound == MP3 { inc %mp3playct 1 | set %mp3toplay $dir="Pick your MP3" [ %mp3dir $+ *.MP3 ] | run %mp3player " $+ %mp3toplay $+ " | %sizeofit = $lof(%mp3toplay) / 1000000 | /describe %chantoplay 7‹15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎5i‎s 7P5‎l‎a‎y‎i‎n‎g15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎ 7›7 $nopath(%mp3toplay) 7‹15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎5M7‎p5‎315,15‎7, 7‎15,15‎7›7 $left(%sizeofit,4) Mb 15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎7› %BoB $+ $irc | .ctcp %chantoplay MP3 $nopath(%mp3toplay) | set %size $lof( %mp3toplay ) | %cccn = %size / 14000 | %cccm = %cccn / 60 | .timer7729 1 %cccn set %mp3playing off | unset %mp3toplay %chantoplay %typeofsound | goto end }
    if %typeofsound == RAM { inc %ramplayct 1 | set %ramtoplay $dir="Pick your RAM" [ %ramdir $+ *.R* ] | run %ramplayer %ramtoplay | %sizeofit = $lof(%ramtoplay) / 1000000 | /describe %chantoplay 7‹15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎5i‎s 7P5‎l‎a‎y‎i‎n‎g15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎ 7›7 $nopath(%ramtoplay) 7‹15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎5R7‎a5‎m15,15‎7, 7‎15,15‎7›7 $left(%sizeofit,4) Mb 15,15‎7,7‎15,15‎7› %BoB $+ $irc | .ctcp %chantoplay RAM $nopath(%ramtoplay) | unset %ramtoplay %chantoplay %typeofsound | goto end }
    echo 4 -a Error in Playasound alias
    soundplaynow {
    %chantoplay = $1
    %typeofsound = $2
    if %typeofsound == WAV && $exists($mircdirsoundsys\allwavs.log) == $true { inc %wavplayct 1 | set %wavtoplay $read [ $mircdir $+ soundsys\allwavs.log ] | sound %chantoplay %wavtoplay | /describe %chantoplay 0,14‡15playing a random wav 14†0 $nopath(%wavtoplay) 14†0 $lof(%wavtoplay) bytes14†4‡ $+ $irc | unset %wavtoplay %chantoplay %typeofsound | goto end }
    if %typeofsound == MID && $exists($mircdirsoundsys\allmids.log) == $true { inc %midplayct 1 | set %midtoplay $read [ $mircdir $+ soundsys\allmids.log ] | sound %chantoplay %midtoplay | /describe %chantoplay 0,14‡15playing a random midi 14†0 $nopath(%midtoplay) 14†0 $lof(%midtoplay) bytes14†4‡ $+ $irc | unset %midtoplay %chantoplay %typeofsound | goto end }
    if %typeofsound == MP3 && $exists($mircdirsoundsys\allmp3s.log) == $true { inc %mp3playct 1 | set %mp3toplay $read [ $mircdir $+ soundsys\allmp3s.log ] | run %mp3player " $+ %mp3toplay $+ " | %sizeofit = $lof(%mp3toplay) / 1000000 | /describe %chantoplay 0,14‡15playing a random mp3 14†0 $nopath(%mp3toplay) 14†0 $left(%sizeofit,4) Mb 14†4‡ $+ $irc | .ctcp %chantoplay MP3 $nopath(%mp3toplay) | set %size $lof( %mp3toplay ) | %cccn = %size / 14000 | %cccm = %cccn / 60 | .timer7729 1 %cccn set %mp3playing off | unset %mp3toplay %chantoplay %typeofsound | goto end }
    if %typeofsound == RAM && $exists($mircdirsoundsys\allrams.log) == $true { inc %ramplayct 1 | set %ramtoplay $read [ $mircdir $+ soundsys\allrams.log ] | run %ramplayer %ramtoplay | %sizeofit = $lof(%ramtoplay) / 1000000 | /describe %chantoplay 0,14‡15playing a random Real Audio Clip 14†0 $nopath(%ramtoplay) 14†0 $left(%sizeofit,4) Mb14† $+ $irc | unset %ramtoplay %chantoplay %typeofsound | goto end }
    echo -a 2,9|0,2Error2,9|15 in soundplaynow alias (have you updated your sound logs in Sound Setup?)
    setthetimer {
    set %Timer.Type $1
    %ranmins = $$?="Minutes between Sounds?"
    %ransecs = %ranmins * 60
    .timerranplay 0 %ransecs soundplaynow # %Timer.Type
    soundplaynow # %Timer.Type
    set %timerplay %ransecs seconds on # ( $+ %Timer.Type $+ )
    echo 2 -a Sound Timer Play is %timerplay

    update.all.logs { run lister.bat $wavdir $+ *.wav $mircdir $+ soundsys\allwavs.log | run lister.bat $mididir $+ *.mid $mircdir $+ soundsys\allmids.log | run lister.bat %mp3dir $+ *.mp3 $mircdir $+ soundsys\allmp3s.log | run lister.bat %ramdir $+ *.r* $mircdir $+ soundsys\allrams.log | .timer 1 30 /wavlines }
    ;wavlines { write -l1 $mircdir $+ \soundsys\allwavs.log $lines($mircdirsoundsys\allwavs.log) | write -l1 $mircdir $+ \soundsys\allmids.log $lines($mircdirsoundsys\allmids.log) | write -l1 $mircdir $+ \soundsys\allmp3s.log $lines($mircdirsoundsys\allmp3s.log) | write -l1 $mircdir $+ \soundsys\allrams.log $lines($mircdirsoundsys\allrams.log) }
    soundsend {
    set %sendquetext $mircdir $+ soundsys\sendque.txt
    if $readini $mircdirsoundsys\Doubleup.ini %nick %filename == $null {
    .writeini $mircdirsoundsys\Doubleup.ini %nick %filename $ctime
    goto type
    else echo 2 -a %nick attempted to request %filename - already in send queue!
    .ctcp %nick DOUBLE-UP The sound you have ordered is already queued. It will be sent as soon as I have a free DCC Send slot. %BoB
    if ( .wav isin %filename) goto sendwav
    if ( .mid isin %filename ) goto sendmid
    if ( .mp3 isin %filename ) goto sendmp3
    if ( .ram isin %filename ) goto sendram
    set %DirPath $findfile($wavdir , %filename ,1)
    If ( $lof( %DirPath ) == $null ) goto nofile
    inc %wavsendct 1
    write $mircdir $+ soundsys\sendque.txt %nick %DirPath $ctime
    .ctcpreply %nick SOUND-ORDER 15 Your request has been added to my send queue ( line number $lines(%sendquetext) ) (number %wavsendct wav ordered from me since %wcdate - if you leave before getting this file, I will send next time I see you) $+ $irc
    echo 2 -a $nopath(%filename) queued to $nick ( line number $lines(%sendquetext) )
    %DirPath = $findfile($mididir , %filename ,1)
    If ( $lof( %DirPath ) == $null ) goto nofile
    inc %midsendct 1
    /write $mircdir $+ soundsys\sendque.txt %nick %DirPath $ctime
    .ctcpreply %nick SOUND-ORDER 15 Your request has been added to my send queue ( line number $lines(%sendquetext) ) (number %midsendct mid ordered from me since %wcdate - if you leave before getting this file, I will send next time I see you) $+ $irc
    echo 2 -a $nopath(%filename) queued to $nick ( line number $lines(%sendquetext) )
    %DirPath = $findfile( %mp3dir , %filename ,1 )
    If ( $lof( %DirPath ) == $null ) goto nofile
    inc %mp3sendct 1
    /write $mircdir $+ soundsys\sendque.txt %nick %DirPath $ctime
    .ctcpreply %nick SOUND-ORDER 15 Your request has been added to my send queue ( line number $lines(%sendquetext) ) (number %mp3sendct MP3 ordered from me since %wcdate - If you leave before getting this file, I will send it next time I see you) $+ $irc
    echo 2 -a $nopath(%filename) queued to $nick ( line number $lines(%sendquetext) )
    %DirPath = $findfile( %ramdir , %filename ,1 )
    If ( $lof( %DirPath ) == $null ) goto nofile
    inc %ramsendct 1
    /write $mircdir $+ soundsys\sendque.txt %nick %DirPath $ctime
    .ctcpreply %nick SOUND-ORDER 3 Your request has been added to my send queue ( line number $lines(%sendquetext) ) (number %ramsendct RAM ordered from me since %wcdate - If you leave before getting this file, I will send it next time I see you) %BoB
    echo 2 -a $nopath(%filename) queued to $nick ( line number $lines(%sendquetext) )
    ctcp %Nick FILE-REPLY 15Sorry, but I don't have 15 %filename $+ $irc
    senditsound {
    set %nick $parm1
    /FCount %Nick
    If %sc >= %musersends goto false
    set %how.long.ago.1 $ctime - $3
    set %how.long.ago $duration(%how.long.ago.1)
    set %DirPath $$2
    set %nick $$1
    if $comchan(%nick ,1) != $null {
    .notice %nick I am about to send $nopath(%dirpath) to you.... Please enable your DCC's FileSend WaRNinG | .timer 1 15 dcc send %nick %dirpath
    remini $mircdirsoundsys\doubleup.ini %nick $nopath(%dirpath)
    .timer 1 15 .ctcp %nick SENDING 3 Here comes15 $nopath( %dirpath) 3 %nick . You ordered this sound from me15 %how.long.ago 15ago. $+ $irc
    echo 2 -a Sending $nopath( %dirpath ) to %nick ( ordered %how.long.ago ago. )
    return $true
    else return $false
    FCount {
    %s = $send(0)
    %sc = 0
    %n = $1
    %ps = $send( %S )
    If ( %n isin %ps ) %sc = %sc + 1
    %s = %s - 1
    If %s > 0 goto FCLoop
    sendqueon { .timer700 0 30 sendque | echo 2 -a Send Queue is Active | set %sendque ON }
    sendqueoff { .timer700 off | echo 2 -a Send Queue is Deactivated | set %sendque OFF }
    sendque {
    if $send( 0 ) >= %sysmax halt
    set %stop $lines($mircdir [ $+ soundsys\sendque.txt ] )
    if %stop == $null halt
    set %sendquetext $mircdir $+ soundsys\sendque.txt
    set %slno 1
    if (( %stop != $null ) && ( %stop >= %slno )) {
    set %sendline $read -nl $+ %slno %sendquetext
    if ( $senditsound( %sendline ) == $true ) {
    if ( %stop == 1 ) .remove %sendquetext
    else write -dl $+ %slno %sendquetext
    else {
    inc %slno 1
    goto sendloop
    unset %sendline
    count.wavs set %wav.files $lines( $mircdirsoundsys\allwavs.log )
    count.mids set %mid.files $lines( $mircdirsoundsys\allmids.log )
    count.mp3s set %mp3.files $lines( $mircdirsoundsys\allmp3s.log )
    count.rams set %ram.files $lines( $mircdirsoundsys\allrams.log )
    if %nowav == OFF echo 2 -a WAV Autoplay is OFF
    elseif %nowav == $null echo 2 -a WAV Autoplay is ON
    if %nomid == OFF echo 2 -a MID Autoplay is OFF
    elseif %nomid == $null echo 2 -a MID Autoplay is ON
    if %nomp3 == OFF echo 2 -a MP3 Autoplay is OFF
    elseif %nomp3 == $null echo 2 -a MP3 Autoplay is ON
    if %noram == OFF echo 2 -a RAM Autoplay is OFF
    elseif %noram == $null echo 2 -a RAM Autoplay is ON
    autoplay.on {
    set %typeoffile $1
    if %typeoffile == WAV { unset %nowav }
    if %typeoffile == MID { unset %nomid }
    if %typeoffile == MP3 { unset %nomp3 }
    if %typeoffile == RAM { unset %noram }
    autoplay.off {
    set %typeoffile $1
    if %typeoffile == WAV { set %nowav OFF }
    if %typeoffile == MID { set %nomid OFF }
    if %typeoffile == MP3 { set %nomp3 OFF }
    if %typeoffile == RAM { set %noram OFF }
    wavdisecho {
    echo 3--=-=-==-=-=-=-=4S14o6u14n6d 4C14o6u14n6t14e6r14s3=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    echo 3 I have played 15 %wavplayct 3Wavs, 15 %midplayct 3Midi's 15 %mp3playct 3 MP3's &15 %ramplayct 3RAMs
    echo 3 I have sent 15 %wavsendct 3Wavs, 15 %midsendct 3Midi's 15 %mp3sendct 3 MP3's &15 %ramsendct 3RAMs
    echo 3-=-=-=-=-=-=-=15 %BoB 3=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    wavdissay {
    say 3--=-=-==-=-=-=-=4S14o6u14n6d 4C14o6u14n6t14e6r14s3=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    say 3 I have played 15 %wavplayct 3Wavs, 15 %midplayct 3Midi's 15 %mp3playct 3MP3's &15 %ramplayct 3RAMs
    say 3 I have sent 15 %wavsendct 3Wavs, 15 %midsendct 3Midi's 15 %mp3sendct 3MP3's &15 %ramsendct 3RAMs
    say 3-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %BoB 3=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    /wavcountecho {
    echo 3--=-=-==-=-=-=-=4S14o6u14n6d 4C14o6u14n6t14e6r14s3=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    echo 3 I have15 %wav.files 3Wavs, 15 %mid.files 3Midi's15 %mp3.files 3MP3's &15 %ram.files 3RAMs
    echo 3-=-=-=-=-=-=-=15 %BoB 3=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    /wavcountsay {
    say 3--=-=-==-=-=-=-=4S14o6u14n6d 4C14o6u14n6t14e6r14s3=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    say 3 I have15 %wav.files 3Wavs, 15 %mid.files 3Midi's15 %mp3.files 3MP3's &15 %ram.files 3RAMs
    set %BoB
    say 3-=-=-=-=-=-=-=15 %BoB 3=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    listrequest {
    set %mp3.list $lines( $mircdirsoundsys\allmp3s.log )
    set %mp3.list2 2
    set %mp3.list4 2
    remove $mircdirsoundsys\ $+ [ $me ] $+ -MP3-LIST.txt
    write -l1 $mircdirsoundsys\ $+ [ $me ] $+ -MP3-LIST.txt $me $+ 's MP3 LIST - $strip(%BoB)
    write -l2 $mircdirsoundsys\ $+ [ $me ] $+ -MP3-LIST.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------
    inc %mp3.list4 1
    set %mp3.list5 %mp3.list4 - 2
    set %mp3.list3 $read -l $+ %mp3.list2 $mircdirsoundsys\allmp3s.log
    set %mp3.list6 $nopath(%mp3.list3)
    write -l $+ %mp3.list4 $mircdirsoundsys\ $+ [ $me ] $+ -MP3-LIST.txt %mp3.list5 $+ . %mp3.list6
    inc %mp3.list2 1
    if %mp3.list2 >= %mp3.list goto end
    goto loop
    inc %mp3.list4 1
    write -l $+ %mp3.list4 $mircdirsoundsys\ $+ [ $me ] $+ -MP3-LIST.txt End of $me $+ 's MP3 LIST - $strip(%BoB)
    echo 2 -a MP3 List Completed
    |_RoMaNcY_| :) اخوووكم رومنسي

  • #2
    مشكوووووور على الامر بس لو ملف يكون افضل



    • #3
      مشكووور اخوي
      عاشق جميع دوريات العــــــــــــــالم


      • #4
        تسلم اخوي على الموضوع المفيد
        Every Day I Said Today My Dreams Become Real

        أنت الزائر رقم لمواضيعي وردودي

        My E-mail :
        Good Bye And Good Luck In This Forum
        With My Best Wish

